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The Cheltenham

Singing Groups

Benefits of singing

There is no doubt that singing is good for your health both mentally, emotionally and physically! Nowadays there is a mountain of evidence from different sources to support this.

10 reasons why you should sing!





4. Feel Healthy!

Singing boosts your immune system – increases oxygen and proteins in the body that create antibodies.  This could prevent colds and flu.

5. Lung Workout!

Aerobic breathing exercises help you breathe more deeply from your diaphragm – more oxygen – more relaxation!

9. Improved Posture

Standing up straight but remaining relaxed is all part of a successful singing technique.  Good posture will become a habit.

1. More Zzzzzzzzzzz……….

Relaxation, increased oxygen and a relaxation of the throat muscles can help you get a better night’s sleep.  It may even help reduce snoring!

2. Natural Happy Drugs!

Singing releases endorphins, the ‘pleasure’ brain chemical which can make you feel energised and uplifted; produces oxytocin, the ‘Happy hormone’.

6. Stress Buster!

Singing can reduce stress and muscle tension – it reduces the levels of the stress hormone, cortisol; increases positivity.

7. Singing on Prescription

Strengthening of the diaphragm muscle used in deep breathing can help lung conditions such as COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), asthma and emphysema; helps with memory, alertness and concentration – it is being used to aid memory in Azheimers sufferers; lowers blood pressure.

8. Singing Together as One!

Sharing an interest and experiencing
a sense of belonging can be such a
onfidence booster; enjoying a great sense of achievement when a song is learnt or performed; chatting with other choir members; meeting for social occasions; making new friends; feeling emotional about the meaningfulness of songs…… the list is endless!

3. Sheer Joy!

There is nothing quite like being involved in and listening to music to deliciously feed the soul!

10. Why not?!

© The Cheltenham Singing Groups. 

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