The Wednesdays was the original Cheltenham Singing Group and began in February 2014 with only 8 members. The group has now grown, mainly by word of mouth, to over 50 members – a perfect number for a community choir! This year we celebrated our10th Anniversary in style!
We hold an annual Friends and Family concert and performed at local events over the last few years: Sandford Park Summer Fair, Exfest (Exmouth Arms), Midsummer Fiesta, The Wheatsheaf Sausage and Cider Festival, Charlton Kings Community Players Christmas Shows and The Cheltenham Festival of Performing Arts. We have also sung at one of our own member's wedding. Most of our performances raise money for local charities such as Emily's Gift, CCP, Open Door, The Cheltenham Food Bank, Brimpsfield Music Society and Sue Ryder.
Song genres include contemporary, folk, global, spiritual, a cappella, rock, gospel, jazz....... and many more!
Once you are a member of one of the Cheltenham Singing Groups you will be able to login to the Members’ Area where you can access lyrics, audios and event information.
In Memory of......
Jane Russell 2016 - 2022
Jane Baker 2015 - 2018
Sharon Isaacs 2015 - 2024
Where we meet
​The Wednesdays' meet at Carey Hall, Charlton Kings Baptist Church on Wednesdays from 7.30pm - 9.30pm

I love the Wednesdays. Singing with Louise is fabulous - stimulating, relaxing, challenging, fun, all at once, and we are one big happy community. We sing such a great variety of music - there is something for everyone.
I love my Wednesday evenings with people I wouldn’t normally have the opportunity to meet and connect with. And it’s fantastic when our efforts pay off with wonderful sounds and that feel-good factor.